Grand Master Mark Giambi began his Taekwondo training at the age of twelve, with World Champion Grand Master Young Bo Kong as his original and primary teacher. Over the years, Grand Master Giambi also met and learned from some of the most prominent and highly respected Korean masters in North America. Grand Master Giambi was associated with Tae Kwon-Do pioneers like Young Il Kong, Park Bu Kwang, and their master, General Choi Hong Hi, the acknowledged founder of modern Tae Kwon-Do.

In 1981, Grand Master Giambi came to Houston to train with Grand Master Young Il Kong. While pursuing a successful competitive career in Tae Kwon-Do, Grand Master Giambi opened his first Tae Kwon-Do school in 1982, and have been teaching Houstonians ever since. Grand Master Giambi present location in Southside Place have been open since 1992. He has trained over 2000 black belts of all ages through out his career. Grand Master Giambi is a long-time member of the Amateur Athletic Union’s Tae Kwon-Do organization and deeply committed to the broader AAU movement. In 1995, he was recognized by the AAU for his contributions with the David Rivenes Award. He has served in national positions within AAU Taekwondo many times.

Grand Master Giambi’s direct contact with Tae Kwon-Do’s pioneers, proven fighting skill, and decades of dedication to both the art and sport place him among a select few of his generation teaching today.

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